Tuesday, September 30, 2008


There is an Ansel Adams photograph of a really cool-looking tree in my patient's room. I rarely ever notice the artwork in my patient's rooms. Isn't it strange how one can become oblivious to one's surroundings? I mean, this photo is right next to my drip titration guideline sheet and has been here since the building was built. And yet, I am only really looking at it for the first time. Jeffrey Pine, Sentinel Dome by Ansel Adams

This photo was taken at Yosemite. I have always wanted to go there. There are so many places in America that I would like to visit. This is part of the appeal of travel nursing: you can make a ton of dough and then take a few months off to do whatever. Also, of course, you could travel somewhere cool and work there. I really need to spend more time in the West. I have never been to the Northwest or the Rockies. Look at those mountains. I am enjoying looking at this photo and thinking about traveling while I am in this isolated hospital setting.


alex said...

i would like to make a request. i request that you change your blog name. when i use google reader to view it, it is listed as "an adventure". nothing about black spots or notes or anything about what kind of adventure it is. as a result, i don't recognize it as your blog and it makes me all confused-like.

please and thank you. muah.

ps: i like ansel adams.

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

I love Ansel Adams. He captures scenery so well that I feel like I've already been to there.

Anonymous said...

I love Ansel Adams. I had a print that used to hang in my bedroom. This one is one of my favorites.

You would love the west. I've not seen much of it but I have loved what I have seen so far.