Saturday, January 24, 2009


Gawsh it has been ages since I blogged. I am at work, of course. I have this patient who has HIV-related lymphoma and is the gayest little thing I have seen in a while. And he is the kind of guy that you see last because you know he will keep you in there for as long as you'll take. I mean, not once has he said that he is done with me today. I have always had to find an out, usually after he says something crazy and inappropriate and I laugh, back away, and say, "that's it, I'm out!" And when I say, ok, I gotta go see my other patients, which is a lie because my trainee has the other patients, he says, "where you goin'?" He dragged me in there to watch cartoons with him earlier.

He spent a long time talking about God today, and how God had delivered him from himself and all this stuff, and he got all teary-eyed with joy about God and I wish that stuff like that permeated me more. It is nice to have a patient that leaves you with a smile and a positive feeling, even if he is a PITA.