Adina went to take a shower after I was done, and noticed that there were these strange white things that seemed to be moving around. They were LARVAE and OMG I really thought that they came from my body until I saw one drop out of the bathroom fan onto the floor. I feel like I am going to vomit. Fortunately we have bug spray in the house.
It was truly foul. They came back AGAIN later that day. I removed the beasties (S is too grossed out by bugs), and S bleached down the shower. I looked it up online, and I think they were drain fly larvae, remnants of the grossness of the bachelor who used to live in this apartment. We ran out of bleach, but today I bought more. I think it's going to take daily bleaching for a week in order for me to feel like it's actually clean in there. You KNOW how I am.
You NEED to get out of there.
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